Dolce Far Niente

Dolce far Niente


Dolce Far Niente

Dolce Far Niente is a blog which is my realisation of how to just enjoy doing nothing and seek the pleasure in small things.It tells the importance of being in the moment and living life to the fullest without regretting anything.

I am sharing my thoughts on how, inspite of our busy schedules we can fit in to being like Italians and take their legacy of enjoying life.

Dolce Far Niente ( is a famous Italian Phrase and it means “The sweetness of doing nothing”.

Italians truly know how to enjoy the pleasures of life and that is why they are these happy people having a sweet broad smile on their faces, always.

Why Dolce Far Niente should be important to all of us,read till the end!

Imagine a day when you dress up for work, sit in your car and start driving. But instead of taking it to the workplace you end up in a coffee shop and just watch the world go by sipping your hot latte :).

This scene definitely fits a movie and not mundane routine life right? But who said that Life cannot be a movie.

It can definitely be if one decides to write a blockbuster story to it and design a smashing screen play,isn’t it?

Dolce far Niente

Thats what Dolce Far Niente phrase is all about.The Goodness in idleness.The goodness of small things.We all know and have read and re read about enjoying small things but many of us don’t really know what are these small things and how to enjoy them.

What if we go and watch a matinee show (movie show at 12 noon) on a week day. Get drunk over lunch. Nap in afternoon. Give a surprise visit to an old friend. Cook a three course meal without calling any guests. Enjoy our own company and listen to our favourite songs all day long. Take a day off and just cuddle with a book. Take out our vehicle and just wander here and there without a fixed destination. Travel, eat and just enjoy Life.

We all know that Life is made up of moments and moments can turn in to memories if we give them that time to register.

The slower the time passes the quickly it gets registered in the brain. Which means we have to feel and enjoy the passing time ‘moment by moment’ to actually live to the fullest. No body gets an extension when their time is up so what is in hand is this very moment to do things you are longing to do.

Have you ever wondered that if someone asks you to pop a one time memory that has stayed with you for a long time.Most of the times it will be any of your travel vacation memory. This is the time when most of us slow down and see things for real and feel them hence it stays with us. Apart from that our most fond memories are about childhood or about college days.

The impromptu movie plans, date nights,bunking classes and completing journals sitting under the tree. Sipping just 30 ml of cutting chai(tea) for almost 60 mins.Discussing about Bollywood affairs.Window shopping through the malls.Finding unique and perfect gifts for friends even in that small budgets.Many and more of such things are still fresh in my heart and I am sure it will in yours too.

Compared to that College life,we definitely have more money, more freedom, more resources, but NO time to do any of it.

In Today’s fast life spending time with oneself has become extinct.This is the reason for all the stress and un happiness. Spending the ‘me’ time brings clarity to life and helps to focus on the the ‘REAL’ things in life and not the PERFECT ones.

Dolce far Niente

If not for a whole day but at least we can spend some time of day as ‘Dolce Far Niente’, and enjoy the sweetness of doing nothing by devoting to that moment.

Because sometimes by doing nothing, we can achieve everything.

So until next time, “Dolce Far Niente!!

Dolce Far Niente

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